In September 2009, Ilam is cooperating with Crossing Borders, under the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation, for a "Movie Making Marathon" bringing together Palestinian youth from Israel, Palestine, Israeli Jews and a few Danes and training them in new media production - making of short films.
Recent developments in Israel/Palestine, such as the Gaza War and the election of a right-wing government in Israel have increased polarisation between Jews and Palestinian Arabs. The purpose of this action is to bring together 12 youth from Israel/Palestine and Denmark and skills train them in new media creation, dialogue and intercultural exchange.
The other purpose is to enable the participants to apply their new media skills to video interview Jerusalemite citizens about their stories of the post Gaza situation and perspectives for a more peaceful future. For this purpose the participants will be divided into mixed groups of 3 each and sent off on a “marathon” video making session inside Jerusalem. The outcome will be 4 new media videos of 5-10 minutes. The videos will then be screened for an audience of 100 students and a panel of jury which will decide who will get the “Oscar”.
The marathon was very successful. The three movies that were products of the project can be accessed below: