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Arab Journalist Assaulted


On Saturday, November 14, 2009, hundreds of ultra-Orthodox gathered outside the Jerusalem compound of computer chip manufacturer Intel to protest the companys opening on Saturdays.

During the assembly, a group of demonstrators assaulted Palestinian Arab journalist photographer, `Ataa Oweisat, damaged his car, and subjected other Arab journalists at the scene to insults and racist remarks.

Ilam believes that this attack is a continuation of a series of recent attacks on Arab journalists, and we see that this attack is a reflection of the expanding boundaries of pervasive anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian racism in Israeli society.

Ilam stresses in this context that there is an urgent need for action to protect journalists in carrying out their functions and their journalistic work, and we will take the necessary steps with the relevant institutions to ensure freedom of occupation (work) and safety of journalists.

We also stress that international human rights law and principles relating to journalists repeatedly emphasise the importance of the preservation of the rights of journalists, particularly in times and spaces of local conflict, and these are meant to protect journalists from threats, harassment, intimidation and physical attacks. We call upon the government to ensure that journalists are adequately protected so as to enable them to fulfill their duties and to realise their aims in transferring important facts to the public.

To see Arabic media coverage of Ilams reaction to the attack, see the online news website Alarab.

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I'lam - Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel