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Tour for Journalists in E.Jerusalem


I'lam, together with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and Amin Media Network, are organising a tour for journalists in East Jerusalem entitled, "Jerusalem: Settlements and Human Rights Violations in East Jerusalem" on Sunday Aug. 8, 2010.

The tour will address issues facing the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, and participants will meet with local figures who will present them with an accurate image of the reality facing those in East Jerusalem.

10:30 – 11:30 Meeting at the “Wadi Hilweh Information Center” in the Silwan Neighborhood to learn about residents’ difficulties with displacement and Israeli settlement endeavours.

11:30 – 12:30: Tour of the “Silwan” neighborhood to meet residents for interviews and for photography opportunities.

12:30 – 13:30: Tour of the “Sheikh Jarrah” neighborhood.

13:30 – 14:30: Lunch and Departure

The tour will be lead by lawyer Nasrin Alian and field researcher Mahmoud Qraein of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

The tour will leave Nazareth at 7:30 a.m. in front of the Hotel Al-‘Ain/Rimonim.

Participation requires registration and costs 35 Shekels.

Download the invitation in English/Arabic.

For more information and registration please call Kholod Massalha at Tel: 0509319961 or write her an email.

Photograph of girl in Silwan neighbourhood in East Jerusalem that journalists will visit on tour. Photo courtesy of Muhammed Muheisen/AP


See the following press release published by I`lam post-tour in Arabic.

Photos from the Tour:

Tour for Journalists  - Jerusalem - Pic1

Murad Abu Shafe' in a tent in the Al-Bustan neighbourhood clarifying for journalists Israeli authorities' plans to demolish homes in the neighbourhood to build a 'King's Garden' in its place and the effects on the livelihoods of its Palestinian East Jerusalemite residents.

Tour for Journalists  - Jerusalem - Pic2

Journalists taking notes during the lecture of ACRI's Nisrin Alian. Alian was impressing on journalists developments in the Silwan neighbourhood and in Sheikh Jarrah. 

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