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Hebrew Media Monitoring Report Out


On March 2 2011, I'lam published its latest findings on the coverage of the Palestinian community in the Israeli media, following daily monitoring of Ha'aretz, Yedioth Ahoronoth and Ma'ariv over the period of September 2009 and December 2009.

Among the principal findings are that 71% of the coverage on the Palestinian minority are either security or criminal related. Coverage of Arabs accounts for 177 article of a total of 8678 articles, a mere 2%. Although there has been improvement in terms of increased coverage on social, economic, health and sport aspects of the community, on the whole, the marginalization of the community in the Israeli media remains. Further, the impact Arab journalists are able to make while working in the Hebrew media is limited.

Read the report here (Hebrew), and the summary of the report in the original press release (Arabic).

Walla and The Seventh Eye have covered the report's findings.

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