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Gearing for 'Arab Media Conference'


On March 27, I’lam Media Center hosted a preparatory committee meeting for the first Arabic media practitioners’ conference, which is to be held in December, at the end of this year. The meeting brought together prominent Arab media practitioners to discuss the conference’s idea and agenda, its goals and basic outlines.

Among the insights at this sitting there were a number of ideas proposed for discussion at the conference. They included the existing political atmosphere, the definition of a journalist and his profession, the problematics and importance of the electronic media – especially in light of the recent Arab revolutions, and the role and impact of new reporting methods.

By the end of the meeting, it was agreed to hold monthly meetings, until the date of the conference. The second meeting aims to set the goals of the conference in addition to determining the speakers’ list.

Before the opening of the meeting, outgoing General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Mr. Aidan White, met the members of the preparatory committee. He stressed his engagement with the conference and his intentions to support it, while clarifying that the definition of a journalist and of his profession, as well as defending his rights both as a human and a professional, are at the center of successful media work, especially when it comes to Palestinian journalists.

Aidan White also visited Radio al-Shams, in coordination with I’lam, to learn about the station and challenges there.

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