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'New Content' Course Publishes


Within the framework of I'lam’s investigative journalism course, 'Madmoun Jadeed'/'New Content', run in partnership with media NGOs, AmmanNet and Ramallah-based Amin, Muna Abu Shehadeh, a local Palestinian journalist, publishes on the phenomenon of Arabs working towards ‘Judaization’ as a means to better access economic and social privilege in Israeli society.

The article touches on the issue of the Judaization of Arab personal names, and the rising number of Arabs volunteering for military service.  Although the Arab-Palestinian population of Israel comprises approximately one-fifth of the entire Israeli population, of that population about 47.6% live below the poverty line, according to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development.  There is a growing trend among the younger Arab population to Judaize their names in order to better assimilate themselves into Israeli society, and avoid discrimination, especially in the workforce.  The idea is that a man named Avraham is more likely to be hired than a man named Ibrahim.  However, changing ones name does not automatically allow Arabs to find employment.  Many businesses are now requiring proof of military service, which disqualifies the majority of the Arab citizens of Israel.  In hopes of increasing their employment opportunities there has been a substantial increase of about 200% in the number of Arab-Palestinian citizens volunteering in the Israeli military.  All Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel do not support the Judaization of Arab names; in fact many are against it.   However, many young Arabs are finding it necessary to change their names, and volunteer for military service in order to find employment, and equality in Israel. 

The entire article is available in Arabic.

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