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'New Content' Course Publishes


Within the structure of I'lam’s investigative journalism course, 'Madmoun Jadeed'/'New Content', run in partnership with media NGOs, AmmanNet and Ramallah-based Amin, and under the supervision of journalist Bassam Antari of Jordan, Rozeen ‘Odeh, writes another (first on Naqab Bedouin and gas exposure) investigative journalistic piece entitled 'Arab Women Workers: Slavery at Home Even More Bitter'.

Rozeen works at Kul al-'Arab and her article talks about the exploitation of Arab women labour in Arab-owned companies. Arab women who are able to work have an unemployment rate of 80%, compared to 44% of Jewish Israeli women, according to HR-NGO Sikkuy. The article deals with the personal stories of Arab women and also looks critically at the real estate industry in Israel and the role of the government in regulating it. Rozeen's article can be read in full here in Arabic.

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