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On the eve of the 36th Land Day


On the eve of the 36th Land Day, I’lam Media Center and Adalah organized a field trip for journalists to the Naqab/Negev. Land Day signifies the events of 1976 whereby Arab lands were confiscated by the authorities and six Palestinians from Sakhnin and Arrabeh were killed by Israeli security forces in the protests that followed.


The trip took place on the March 18 2012, with dozens of Arab and Jewish journalists participating. The journalists visited the villages of al-Sir, Abu Tlul, Khashm al-Zannah, and Al-Sirra to learn about the impact of the Prawer Plan on these villages' residents. The Prawer Plan threatens the livelihoods and living conditions of 65,000 Palestinian citizens, who will be displaced and their lands expropriated legally/physically in order to concentrate them in state planned villages. Journalists from various newspapers, websites, local and international TV and radio channels took part in the trip.


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