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Tour for Journalists in the Naqab


In coalition with Musharaka: For Early Child Care and Development in the Palestinian Society in Israel and The Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev, Ilam is organising its latest Tour for Journalists in the Naqab on May 18 2009.

The tour will focus on the violations to the health and education rights of Palestinian children of the Naqab as a result of discriminatory governmental policy.

The tour will begin at 11am at Shoket Junction, near Tel Sab’a (Tel Sheva), Naqab.

Programme Schedule:
11:00: Assembly at the Shoket Junction, near Tel Sab’a (Tel Sheva)
11:30: Visit to the unrecognised village of Rahma. We will learn about the status of educational services and the recent government decision to demolish a local kindergarten. We will also meet with the local council and children and families of the village.
13:30: Visit to the unrecognised village of Wadi Al-Na’am. Wadi Al-Na’am is located directly adjacent to the toxic chemical waste zone of Ramat Hovav and high rates of birth fatalities have been recorded among the village’s women. The village recently built a clinic through the financing of activists and local residents, but nevertheless it remains unrecognised and so is not provided with any official medical supplies and health services. This visit will also involve meetings with the village’s children.
15:00: Round-up in the Volunteer Tent and Lunch. During the lunch, participants will be introduced to the conditions and picture presentations of the other unrecognised villages which we did not have the time to visit.


We are also organising transport for those who need it, with buses leaving from Nazareth and Tel Aviv. Buses Leave from Nazareth (7:30 am in front of Mary’s Well (Rimonim) Hotel)
Buses Leave from Tel Aviv (7:30 am in front of Alrozorov Train Station)


For registration, please contact Kholod Masalha (Media Monitoring Coordinator, I’lam Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel) at Cellphone 0509319961

Follow up:

Photo of a child from an Unrecognised village


 Photo of Demolished Kindergarten in Unrecognised Village of Rahma

Photo 2 of Demolished Kindergarten in Unrecognised Village of Rahma

Photo of Makeshift Kindergarten in Unrecognised Village of Khashm Zannah

a) Daniela Brik, from Spanish news agency, EFE - Click Here

b) Hussein Al-Abra from Panet News (Arabic) - Click Here

c) Akhbarna (Arabic) - Click Here

d) Al-Jazeera Video (Arabic):


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