International Relations






I’lam pays particular attention to the development of its international cooperation activities in order to develop a network of international contacts with foreign journalists, media organizations, and international NGOs.

We are a trustworthy and reliable local partner for the execution of many projects that international organizations undertake in Israel/Palestine. I’lam provides an important source of information on media issues in Israel, plays the crucial role of a media watchdog, and facilitates training and empowerment in media capacities in coalition with international organizations.

Another aim followed by I’lam in terms of international networking is to facilitate the contacts between Palestinian journalists in Israel and the international community and provide them the tools to cooperate with international networks. Many workshops, fellowships and media training sessions dedicated to Middle Eastern journalists are organized by foundations all around the world. As it is difficult for a single journalist to access this information and even subscribe to participate individually in the endeavor, I’lam plays the crucial role of facilitator and coordinator of making international training a possibility.

Some examples in which I’lam acted as a mediator and facilitator for journalists’ professional and cultural exchanges programs include:

Herbert Quandt Foundation, Germany

Since 2005, I’lam has been cooperating with the German Herbert Quandt Foundation on a program called ‘Trialog of Cultures’, dedicated to the dialog between Jews, Arabs and Germans. As a part of the project, a 5-month exchange program of journalists is organized every year. For the 2007 Alumni, 4 Israeli journalists (among them, two Arabs and two Jewish) went to Germany while 4 German journalists came to Israel. The project’s aim was to learn a foreign language and conclude the program with a 2-month internship in ARD, ZDF and other German press desks in Israel.

In the 2008 round of scholarships, 6 Israeli journalists (among them 3 Palestinians) will participate in the 5-month internship in Germany. I’lam is facilitating the scholarship for 4 years now, pre selecting the journalist candidates and giving the Quandt Foundation a selection of journalists in which the Foundation will choose the final participants.

The Herbert Quandt Foundation was pleased to award 2009 scholarships to I'lam's candidates:  Inas Mraih and Nidal Muhannas and the 2010 scholarship to Mysaloon Dellasheh.

Scholarship Program

1) Following the confirmation of the scholarship, the new fellow should to start with a language course at the Goethe Institute (March-July 2009) in order to get basic language skills
2) The scholarship in Germany will start on 27 July 2009 (two-days-welcome meeting in Frankfurt) and will end around 31 December 2009 (including a farewell meeting). 1st of August a seven-weeks intensive summer-course including German classes and cultural excursions start at the University of Bayreuth.
3) It continues with a three-months-internship at German media enterprise such as Deutsche Welle Arabic and English Programme (Radio and TV), Hessische Rundfunk, ZDF, Frankfurter Rundschau, Deutschland Magazine, Al Jazeera. The Herbert Quandt-Foundation team will visit the fellows during this time.

In October 2008, I’lam sent the Herbert Quandt Foundation a study on the status of the Israeli media and Arabic media in ‘Travels to Jerusalem’, a compilation of stories of journalists, which was published in November 2008. ‘Abed Kana’neh, participant in the 2007 ‘Trialog of Cultures’ programme wrote about the Arab minority and developments in civil society and Haneen Zoabi, I’lam’s former Director, contributed with an article on the history of the relationship between the Israeli media and Arab citizens.

Study weekend in Nazareth. From 6 March 2008 to 9 March 2008, I’lam organized a weekend for the German journalists in Nazareth. Participants were given information about the historical background of Palestinians in Israel, from 1948 till date by Wehebe Badarni, Director of the labour rights NGO Sawt El Amel; about general human rights issues and discrimination that Arabs face in Israel including a tour through Nazareth and Nazareth Illit to illustrate the disparity in development between the Arab and Jewish towns by Mohammad Zeidan, Director of the Arab Association for Human Rights; the Director of I’lam Media Center, Ms Haneen Zoubi gave a lecture about ‘Israel as a Jewish state’ and what that means in practice and in theory for Arab citizens.  On the second day, participants were taken to the town of Sakhneen for a meeting with the Misgav Regional Council to discuss land and women’s issues, then for tours in Akka and Haifa to be taught about mixed cities issues. Journalists met officials such as Ahmad Odi, Member of the Municipality of Akka as well as Members of the Balad party and the women’s movement. On the third day, participants went for a guided tour to Umm El Fahem, an Arab town in the North of Israel where information was given on education, housing and planning issues and they held a meeting with MK Jamal Zahalka of the Arab Balad party.

A similar study week organized for another 5 German journalists the week of February 7 2009.

The Middle East Fellowship

I’lam is currently facilitating for Palestinians journalists in Israel to take part of the Middle East Fellowship program organized by the German IJP (Internationale Journalisten Programme). In 2008, the IJP are offering for the fifth time a travel and work fellowship for up to five young journalists from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Palestine to spend a two-month period in Germany. At the same time, a fellowship is being offered to journalists in Germany, who can spend a two-month period in the Middle East.

The fellowship is intended to enable young journalists to familiarize themselves with the political issues in Germany at an early stage of their career. This will raise awareness of aspects of relations between Germany and the Middle Eastern region and will give them a personal insight into the practices, culture and everyday life in Germany and the European Union. The practical part of the fellowship ensures contact with colleagues in the region, and it is hoped that this contact will be maintained in future years. This is also the intention of future alumni reunions in Berlin.

Crossing Borders

Crossing Borders is a non-profit organisation based at Humlebaek in Denmark.  The primary aim of Crossing Borders is to provide impartial dialogue space and empowering skills training for youth and educators, with special focus on areas of conflicts, to fully participate in the development process of their societies. 

 ‘Crossing Borders’ Training for Young Journalists in Denmark, August 2008

Attended by Kholod Masalha, Hebrew Media Coordinator at I’lam from August 3 – August 14 2008.

The Crossing Borders programme was a ten day skills training course in culture, gender and conflict sensitive media that provided young journalists from various countries with an impartial dialogue space, training in media skills and a framework for cooperation. Participants were offered the opportunity to gain awareness of the vital role of media in intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation in the era of global interconnectedness and interdependency. There is also a double edition magazine to be produced at the conclusion of the training. As of the end of September, the first edition of the magazine has been released and can be viewed:

In June 2008, Kholod Masalha was responsible for organizing a workshop for the journalists from Palestine/Israel that would be participating, in order to prepare them for the Crossing Borders programme. Kholod was among five journalists selected to organise this workshop.

In early September 2009, I'lam is cooperating with Crossing Borders and the Anna Lindh Foundation for a 'Movie Making Marathon' bringing together Palestinian youth from Israel, Palestine, Israeli Jews and a few Danes and training them in new media production - making of short films.

Crossing Borders and I'lam as partners have used the media as a tool to foster intercultural understanding by a number of trainings for young journalists.  This is a fruitful and constant relationship that continues to grow through the efforts of contributing to a more constructive dialogue.   

International Federation of Journalists

International Federation of Journalists, IFJ, is global union federation of journalists' trade unions—the largest in the world. The organization aims to protect and strengthen the rights and freedoms of journalists.

The IFJ launched the Ethical Journalism Initiative in February 2009, a global campaign to defend standards and to raise awareness of the importance of quality journalism.The Ethical Journalism Initiative (EJI) is a campaign and programme of activity developed by journalists and media professionals to restore values and mission to their profession. It aims to strengthen press freedom, reinforce quality journalism and consolidate editorial independence.

We at I'lam unconditionally believe towards the institutionalization of the code of ethics initiated by IFJ.  IFJ is certainly a key partner that which reaffirms our own goals of maintaining a standard of ethical reporting.

The MENA-focused conference will involve editors, journalists and journalists’ organisations involving key representatives as well as researchers on the subject in Europe and Asia. The aim of the conference is to involve mainstream media in the initiative and to agree a practical programme of work.

I'lam intends to contribute its findings and experience in the development and institution of 'The Media Charter', in addition to diversifying its international relations and building new coalitions.

International Federation of Journalists' Conference on Ethics and Gender, Brussels, May 30-31 2009

Attended by Kholod Masalha, Media Rights Coordinator at I'lam.

The conference on ethics and gender comprised of 60 participants from 45 countries around the globe campaigning for equal rights among men and women. This event offered an opportunity for a focused discourse on the position of women in journalism, gender stereotypes in the news and ultimately espousing dignity for the work of journalists and media professionals.

Participants adopted a declaration condemning violence, threats, intimidation, sexual harassment, and bullying of women journalists in the workplace.

Reporters Without Borders

In September 2009, I'lam with local NGOs will publish a book that analyzes media practices during the Gaza War December 2008-January 2009.  I'lam will specifically speak to the role of the Israeli media, including coverage of Palestinian citizens of Israel.  

I'lam also cooperates with additional international media rights and human rights NGOs including Article 19, Media Diversity Institute, Index on Uncensorship, and ICFJ.

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I'lam - Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel