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Forum of Journalists Conference


The annual Forum of Journalists Conference will take place on February 28 2009 at 930am in Nazareth at the Rimonim Hotel.

Elections for the Forums General Assembly will take place during the conference.

Download Programme Schedule (Arabic)

Press Release (English)

Press Release (Arabic)

(L-R) Ilams Empowerment Coordinator, Zaher Boulos with CNN producer and the Forums Monitoring Committee member, Nidal Rafe and President of the Forum and Editor, Sliman Abu Irsheid

Journalists listening in to proceedings at conference

One in the series of caricatures on the Gaza War by Jenin-based Mohammed Al-Saba’nah on display at the conference.

Journalist: "What would you like to be when you grow up"?

Palestinian child: "Unfortunately, I cannot be anything except if I were to become an Arab leader".


Following the conference, elections were held for the Executive and Monitoring Committees of the Forum.

The names of the Executive Committee of the Forum of Journalists are:

Wael Awad
Sanaa Lahab
Nadil Hassanain
Mustafa Shala ah
Nidal Rafe
Sliman Abu Salouq
Hussein Al-Shair

Monitoring Committee of the Forum of Journalists:

Jawhar Saeed
Mohammed Kana`neh
Sami Ali

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